Sara McIntyre has been invited to direct a short film titled “Hungry Heart“, based on a romantic 1927 novel by Gene Stratton Porter. “Hungry Heart” is a story about how love inspires the discovery of independence, and follows the meeting (1926) and reunion (1931) of young Amaryllis and John as they determine to make their […]
Sara McIntyre wins Power Pitch competition with The Last Six at WFF
/in The Last Six /by Sara McIntyreCapturing Our Stories: An exhibition of Syrian children’s photography
/in Creative Miscellany /by Sara McIntyreSara directs Characters Talent youth voices in Casablanca
/in Creative Miscellany /by Sara McIntyreThe Last Six invited to WFF feature project lab
/in The Last Six /by Sara McIntyreTwo Indians Talking tops AIFI top American Indian movies
/in Two Indians Talking /by Sara McIntyreTwo Indians Talking licensed by NativeFlix
/in Two Indians Talking /by Sara McIntyreWay Pavers
/in Creative Miscellany /by Sara McIntyreViaway picks up Two Indians Talking
/in Two Indians Talking /by Sara McIntyreSara to direct 1920s-style short, Hungry Heart
/in Creative Miscellany /by Sara McIntyreSara McIntyre has been invited to direct a short film titled “Hungry Heart“, based on a romantic 1927 novel by Gene Stratton Porter. “Hungry Heart” is a story about how love inspires the discovery of independence, and follows the meeting (1926) and reunion (1931) of young Amaryllis and John as they determine to make their […]